Marathon Runner has been using his time off work well and has been practising his knotwork.
He's back to work now, poor thing! (Phew!)
So what did you think of David Tenant's final episode in Dr Who? We loved the way he went back and visited everyone. He didn't go willingly though did he? No, siree, he ranted a bit first! A few tears were shed (mainly by me! It's that blimin' Bernard Cribbins that does it!) Mad Child is wild about The Doctor and no doubt she will be dissecting this episode for weeks! She remembers every single detail; I don't know how she does it. But then, I guess her brain isn't full of whether her sister's favourite purple top can go in the tumble drier (label's faded), what's for tea tomorrow (have we got enough potatoes left?) and have I apologised to everyone I forgot to send Christmas cards to (no).
Well, Happy New Year people and here's hoping we all have a healthy and craftily productive one!
The young man doesn't like the look of the new doctor, but I say we have to give him time!! Happy New Year. xx