Saturday, 6 February 2010

Valentine Garland

This all started when I received the latest newsletter from Kids Craft Weekly and they had some 'kiss cards' for Valentine's Day. They have some really good ideas, albeit sometimes for younger children.

I do love garlands. I look at the ones on flickr and make plans but never seem to get to it. It's all a bit superfluous I guess. Real Life gets in the way. That and the fact that our walls are harder than diamonds and putting them up requires industrial equipment and a very well bribed Marathon Runner!
So anyway, I digress ....

First find some red lipstick (you might have some in your handbag but I got mine from Boots, £1.99, as red isn't normally my colour) and get some willing (or bribed) volunteers:

Then proceed to snog some paper. I bought a big sheet of thick white paper from the stationers for 50p.

I decided to use some heart shaped biscuit cutters rather than circles; I had three sizes and did a selection.

Then Mad Child and I cut them out, being careful not to smudge the lipstick.

Then I laminated them. I managed to get quite a few into each laminating pouch, leaving spaces between but they were rather tricky to feed into the machine as they kept slipping about.

Unfortunately on the last sheet, the pouch went into the laminator but didn't come out. Oh joy!

So maybe we'll have some lunch. A little bit of leftover steak and ale pie, that will do. Calm the nerves.

Then, whilst teaching Mad Child a bit of Anglo Saxon, I took the laminator to pieces, unravelled the last sheet and put it all back together. If you want to make one of these garlands, you may not need to do this step!

Then we proceeded to cut them out again, this time with a border of laminate around the edge.

Now we had 20 hearts of various sizes.

The next step is to string them into a garland. But which ribbon to use?

Most votes seem to have been cast for the red rickrack.
By this time Marathon Runner is home from work and 'helping'! We wanted ours approximately 180cm long and we just randomly placed the different sized hearts roughly 5cm apart, leaving ends on the rickrack for pinning. It turned out that we only needed 12 of the hearts but I am sure the others will be used for something.

We started off gluing the rickrack onto the back of the hearts but it didn't stick quickly enough (we were in a hurry to finish at this point) so stuck a bit of sellotape on as well.

Yay, tis done!!!!!!!!!

Obviously, by this time it is dark!!!!!
Hope you like it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!
    My package arrived yesterday...the postie had posted it through the utility room window as we were out all was a lovely surprise when I got home. THANK YOU!!

    I will no doubt give it a mention on my blog this week!

    ;-) xxxxx


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