Thursday, 18 February 2010

Going to the zoo, zoo, zoo .....

Mad Child wanted to go to the zoo and, as it is half-term, we thought this might be the ideal opportunity. The weather wasn't promising; it has been bucketing down all night! The journey down to Paignton Zoo was awful with driving rain and fog and lots of people that were driving waayy too fast! I did 55-60mph nearly all the way down (40 miles mainly on dual carriageway or motorway, and a bit of town roads at the end) and everything was passing me. I think I might have overtaken one tractor. I don't consider myself a slow driver but I do like to see where I'm going!

And so we arrived. And the rain stopped. Just like that.

Flamingos greeted us, in all their fluffy pinkness (I think they had just shaken themselves dry!)

Mrs Lion came to see us in all her haughty gloriousness. But all the animals were padding about in masses of mud and I felt so sorry for them. Particularly the ones that come from warmer climes.
Lots of animals were hiding away from the damp (Mad One was a bit disappointed she didn't get to see the wolves) and we had lots of backsides presented to us! We did see lots of strange coloured things though, like this snake

and the blue-est parrots I ever did see but impossible to photograph!

The red panda was more co-operative:

All in all, a lovely day with Marathon Runner, Mad One and Giggly Girl and we came home to homemade vegetable lasagne. Wasn't I organised?
Now I'm flopped in front of the fire, half-watching the tv and wondering if I can do some of Scary's crochet ripple blanket before my eyes finally involuntarily close ... zzz.
Craft, hmm, maybe tomorrow ...


  1. It wasn't the best of days to go to the zoo! It poured down, here.
    But it's always a good children still love that zoo and often pay a visit!
    I love the Panda!

  2. We were really lucky with the weather. I think it might have rained when we were in the reptile house but otherwise ok. Didn't want to go today cos they forecast snow and didn't fancy Haldon Hill then! Someone once told me a story about that ..... !!!!!


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